Welcome to the workshop

Data Science for Biology

Goals for this session

  1. Get to know your instructors and neighbors

  2. Set expectations for the week

  3. Get excited!

Discussions: discord

Ask questions at #workshop-questions on https://discord.gg/UDAsYTzZE.

Screenshot of the discord server app that serves as the forum for the workshop.


Picture of a laptop with a red sticky note stuck to the top.

During an activity, place a yellow sticky on your laptop if you’re good to go and a pink sticky if you want help.



Network: KTB Free Wifi (no password needed)

Network AHRI Password: @hR1W1F1!17

Network CAPRISA-Corp Password: corp@caprisa17

Bathrooms are out the lobby to your left



Take ~3 minutes to introduce yourself to your neighbors.

Please share …

  1. Your name
  2. Where you’re from and where you work
  3. Your current go-to method for analyzing data

Your Instructors

Who are we?

Let’s make this workshop work for all

  1. You belong here. This workshop is intended for a wide-audience with a focus on beginners. If you feel out of place - it’s our problem, not yours!

  2. Stay committed. This week-long workshop is intended to build each day and leave you with skills you can really use. Commit to stay engaged for best results, for you and your group!

  3. This is a challenging but friendly environment. We are here to learn and grow. In order to make the right environment please follow “the 4 social rules” and code-of-conduct.

Flow of the Workshop

The premise of the workshop

We’ve created a true-to-life “medium dimensional” dataset that we’ll use for all instruction

  • about 40 participants split across two treatment arms
  • three time points (before treatment, after treatment, and longer follow-up)
  • several measurements per time-point including cytokine concentrations and flow cytometry data (more from Salina and Suuba next!)

We’ve also created group datasets so you can practice applying what you’ve learned on new data.

Why this format

We’ve taught workshops here before where we packed a lot (too much) into one week.

Based on feedback, we’re trying to focus on R for the whole week, and to make the example data relevant to a lot of your actual work.

However, many of you in the room know a lot more immunology than us - and even if you know none you can learn the R and generalize it to your research.

This is the first time running this new workshop - please give lots of feedback on how to improve it for next time.

The content of this workshop

We’ve created 7 modules as well as a group activity for this workshop.

This is probably too much material to get through in this week!

As instructors we’re going to be trying to teach at the right pace to keep everyone learning all week.

The materials will stay on the website forever for you to work through at your own pace.

Let’s take a poll

Go to the event on wooclap